
Thursday April 3



A breakdown of the takedown of your downtown

$25 Advance / $30 Day of Show / Doors at 7:00 / Show at 8:00


Boom! Lawyered and the Feminist Buzzkills Podcast are coming to DC for one hilarious, live co-podcast April 3rd at The Black Cat.

These two podcasts are known for exposing every pronoun-hating branch of the US government and their evil plans to reduce us all to broodmare status.

Shit is so bad, they decided to join forces for a show called BOOM! BUZZKILLED: MICRODOSING THE ROEPOCALYPSE – a night of laughter, rage, and roasting this dystopian reproductive hellscape we’re living through.

Both podcasts are well-regarded experts in the fields of reproductive health, rights, and justice. Boom! Lawyered from Rewire News Group, hosted by badass lawyers Imani Gandy (Rewire Editor-at-Large) and Jess Pieklo (Rewire Senior Vice President, Executive Editor), brings legal expertise that cuts through the unconstitutional crap.

Feminist Buzzkills, the podcast from Abortion Access Front (Abortion AF) is hosted by Lizz Winstead (co-creator of The Daily Show and Founder of Abortion AF) and Moji Alawode-El (activist and marketing manager at Abortion AF) brings 10 years of experience working on the ground supporting local clinics and activists, while also trolling the anti-abortion movement online and in-person using humor and outrage.

BOOM! BUZZKILLED, hits the stage the night after oral arguments at the Supreme Court in Medina v Planned Parenthood South Atlantic. The show will not only break down what this case means for your “Down There Healthcare,” it will also tackle the alarming schemes these patriarchal poon patrols are coming up with to destroy bodily autonomy.

BOOM! BUZZKILLED will make you laugh, make you smarter, and arm you with the knowledge you’ll need and the next steps to take in this fight.

There’s no more fun at the Kennedy Center, so we gotchu.

ABOUT ABORTION ACCESS FRONT Founded in 2015 by comedian and Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead, Abortion Access Front (Abortion AF) is a nonprofit organization made up of activists, comedians, writers, and producers. They use humor to destigmatize abortion and expose the extremist forces working to destroy access to reproductive rights and abortion in all 50 states. Abortion AF’s provocative and hilarious multimedia content educates people about the pervasive and discriminatory abortion laws that disproportionately impact people in BIPOC communities, while also working on the ground, growing support, and raising awareness for independent abortion providers– the community clinics who bear the brunt of anti-abortion legislation and harassment, and provide the majority of abortion care in the country.

ABOUT FEMINIST BUZZKILLS PODCAST! “Feminist Buzzkills” is the new weekly podcast produced by Abortion Access Front. Three hilarious Feminist Buzzkills – Lizz Winstead (co-creator, “The Daily Show,” Air America Radio and founder/director of Abortion Access Front), Moji Alawode-El (culture writer, marketing guru at Abortion Access Front), – break down the weekly news from patriarchy’s evil trilogy of misogyny, white supremacy, and anti-abortion extremism. They make sense of all the madness by digging in hard with policy experts, leaders in the reproductive health, rights, and justice movements, and activists working on the ground. The Feminist Buzzkills stan educating and empowering viewers who are sick of feeling helpless as they watch the erosion of their rights. Sure, our A-team of experts will bring the facts, but it’s the hilarious dragging of oppressive assclowns by our “FBK!” hosts that earns us our “petty with a purpose” gold star and keeps viewers wanting more. With a show coming from “The Daily Show” co-creator, of course, “FBK Live!” also features incredible comedy content and amazing performances from your favorite musicians and comedians! When BS is Poppin’, We pop off. Listen to FBK Podcast, New episodes drop Fridays at 6 p.m. ET

ABOUT REWIRE NEWS GROUP Rewire News Group is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit media organization and the only national publication exclusively dedicated to reporting on reproductive and sexual health, rights, and justice. Since our launch as an independent news outlet in 2012, our core purpose has remained unchanged: To combat pervasive disinformation and misinformation about reproductive and sexual health, rights, and justice.

ABOUT BOOM LAWYERED! On everything from abortion rights to trans discrimination to racial justice, Boom! Lawyered will help you get smart, stay mad, have fun, and fight back. Every week, Jessica Pieklo and Imani Gandy take you on a wild ride through the latest legal battles in the fight for reproductive justice.

This is a seated event.